Have you ever dreamed of growing turmeric in your backyard? Growing turmeric from store-bought is easy and can be done with just a few simple steps. With the right guidance, anyone can grow this aromatic, flavorful spice in their home garden.

In this article, we will explore the different varieties of turmeric, how to plant it, the pests and diseases that come with it, and how to harvest it. So grab your gardening gear and let’s get started on our journey to growing delicious turmeric!

What are the steps for growing turmeric from store-purchased items?

Growing turmeric from store-bought is not as hard as it may seem. All you need to do is buy fresh turmeric root or rhizome and plant it in moist, fertile soil. Turmeric plants prefer warm climates and partial shade but can also be grown indoors with the help of a seedling heat mat.

The soil should be well-drained and mixed with organic matter such as compost to allow for optimal growth. When planting, make sure the rhizomes are placed at least two inches deep in the soil and spaced six feet apart. This will give them enough room to grow without overcrowding each other.

Once planted, water your turmeric regularly and keep the soil moist but not soggy. In warmer climates, turmeric should start to sprout within two months after planting while in cooler climates it could take up to six months for the first leaves to appear.

Keep an eye out for pests such as aphids which can damage the leaves of your plants, if present spray them with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Harvest your turmeric when the leaves turn yellow and use them fresh or process them into a powder using a food processor for later use!


Planting turmeric is best done during the spring or summer months when temperatures average above 54°F (12°C). Turmeric plants thrive in warm climates and partial shade, though they can also be planted indoors using a seedling heat mat.

When planting, make sure to place the rhizomes at least two inches deep in well-drained soil that has been mixed with organic matter such as compost. This will give your turmeric enough room to grow and provide it with optimal nutrients for growth.

Watering should be done regularly and carefully so as not to overwater or saturate the soil; water about once a week depending on your climate. In warmer climates, you should expect to see sprouts within two months after planting; however, it could take up to six months for cooler climates. Keep an eye out for pests and harvest when the leaves turn yellow!

There are various types of turmeric suitable for cultivation.

Turmeric comes in many varieties, each providing its benefits. Hawaiin Red is the variety typically sold in stores. For tropical climates, White mango might be the best choice. Indian Saffron may be better suited for cooler climates.

For those who want to grow turmeric indoors, the Japanese Pink variety works well as it grows quickly and loves warm temperatures. Each of these varieties can be grown from store-bought turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root or rhizome pieces, which can be processed in a food processor until they form a paste-like substance that can then be planted in the soil about two inches deep and kept moist.


How to Grow Turmeric From Store Bought Turmeric

Growing turmeric from store-bought rhizomes is an easy and rewarding process. All you need are rhizomes, a pot or container with drainage holes, some organic soil, and warm temperatures. Start by cutting up the rhizomes into smaller pieces and then planting them about two inches deep in your pot or container.

The soil should be moist but not overly wet. Place the pot in a sunny spot or somewhere with partial shade and keep the temperature between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re having difficulty keeping the plants warm, you can use a heat mat designed for seedlings to help regulate temperatures.


Pests are a common problem for turmeric plants. The most common pest is the shoot borer, which feeds on the rhizomes of turmeric, destroying them in the process.

To fight off these pests, you can spray pesticides to control them. Another pest to look out for is the leaf roller caterpillar, which lives in the folds of leaves and takes its food from there.

This can be avoided by keeping your leaves clean and free from debris. Lastly, if you’re growing turmeric indoors, make sure that your soil is always moist as pests such as whiteflies thrive in dry environments.


Turmeric plants are vulnerable to diseases such as leaf blotch, which manifests itself in the form of brown spots and eventually, dirty brown patches on the leaves. This can lead to reduced yield.

Leaf spot is another disease that can affect your turmeric plants and is characterized by small, brown spots with white or grey centers on the surface of young leaves. To prevent these diseases from taking hold, make sure you practice good hygiene and keep your growing area clean at all times.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the soil remains moist and that there are adequate drainage holes in pots for excess water to flow out. Taking these steps will help ensure that your turmeric plants remain healthy and free of disease!


Harvesting turmeric is an exciting process that can provide you with fresh and flavorful turmeric roots. To harvest, wait until the foliage turns brown and begins to wilt. Carefully use a sharp pair of shears to cut off the plant at the base, leaving the rhizomes intact.

Once removed from the soil, brush away any excess dirt. Then, it’s ready for use! You can either use it fresh or store it in your refrigerator for later use. If you choose to store it, wrap the rhizomes in aluminum foil before placing them in a sealed container. With proper care, you can enjoy your homegrown turmeric for months to come!


Growing turmeric from store-bought can be easy. First, choose a healthy rhizome and plant it in spring or summer, or any time if it’s tropical. Add organic matter and fertilizer to the soil for proper growth. Keep the soil moist but well-drained and in a bright spot with enough sunlight.

Watch out for turmeric diseases and learn how to harvest and turn the rhizomes into powder. The most important step is to know when and how to plant turmeric. By following these tips, you can grow fresh, healthy turmeric at home. You can also source your turmeric rhizomes and plants online.

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